GIL - Gourmet Island Limited
GIL stands for Gourmet Island Limited
Here you will find, what does GIL stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gourmet Island Limited? Gourmet Island Limited can be abbreviated as GIL What does GIL stand for? GIL stands for Gourmet Island Limited. What does Gourmet Island Limited mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Newry, Newry Mourne And Down engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of GIL
- Gilgit airport
- Gildan Activewear, Inc.
- Gammon India Ltd
- Granules India Limited
- Gabriel India Limited
- Graphite India Ltd.
- Gamut Infosystems Limited
- Garg Inox Ltd
View 77 other definitions of GIL on the main acronym page
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- GGFO Global Group Finland Oy
- GDA Glimpse Digital Agency
- GLC Greater Life Chiropractic
- GEM Georgia Eagle Media
- GCS Great Camp Sagamore
- GCG Gate Communication Group
- GCS Green Construction Service
- GPS Global Partnering Solutions
- GAL Guild Associates Ltd
- GCI Global Credit Investments
- GA Grano de Arena
- GULFC Griffith University Law Futures Centre
- GESPL Gravity Engineering Systems Pvt Ltd
- GPI Gem Plastics Inc
- GLMA Great Lakes Maritime Academy
- GVATL Green Valley Automobile Trading LLC